Cost Optimization Epi 2: Real-World…

Read about hands-on application of the pillars and design principles to optimize the costs of cloud services

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2023 CIO Priorities in Cloud

Top investment priorities for the CIOs in the current emerging market of cloud to gain a competitive advantage.

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The Latest Tools from the…

Read about the relevant tools launched by the three cloud giants AWS, Azure and GCP in 2022

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Cloud Performance Monitoring for a…

Ensuring the infrastructure & applications hosted on cloud work smoothly without any interruptions or outages

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Cloud Adoption in Healthcare Industry

Read how Cloud Technology can be leveraged in the Healthcare Industry & the Benefits as compared to the traditional approach

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cost optimize

AWS Cost Optimization Case Study

We helped one of our clients in bringing down their AWS operational cost by 50% using our Cost Optimization Checklist & tools

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Docker & Container Level Security Assessment & Compliance

Docker Security & Container Security…

Common Vulnerabilities & a case study about Tech Vedika’s approach towards safeguarding containers from vulnerability issues

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Why AWS Managed Services

Why AWS Managed Services &…

With the evolution of cloud services, software deployment took a new outlook. The complexity of server provisioning

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Techvedika cloud storage data information concept

AWS Backup & Disaster Recovery…

Data is the golden key to the success of any business. However, it is vulnerable to disasters that disrupt business continuity.

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AWS Cost Optimization

AWS Cost Optimization – Pillars…

AWS Cost Optimization is an ongoing process through which organizations closely align their costs with demand.

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Amazon Web Services

AWS Monitoring Approach & Best…

Cloud Computing is the century’s most exuberant technological innovation, driving critical business success criteria.

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Amazon Web Services

Our Cloud Managed Services to…

This whitepaper describes in detail the components of AWS Managed Services offered and the benefits an organization

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